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Scholastic BookFlix
Listen and read. Storybooks, e-books, videos, games, and more. BookFlix is an online literary resource that pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction eBooks. Try out these online books for preschoolers through third-graders.
Meeting Room Reservation and Use Policy
Meeting Room Reservation and Use Policy
Proposed: June 8, 2017
Accepted: June 8, 2017
The New Carlisle Public Library allows the use of its community rooms by outside individuals and organizations when it is not being used for library-related activities. This use must not disrupt the operation of the library and the appropriate paperwork (available for download at the bottom of this webpage) must be completed 24 hours prior to the use of the room. Use is granted on a first-come, first-served basis, providing the following criteria are met:
Bulletin Board Policy
Bulletin Board Policy
Proposed: June 8, 2017
Accepted: June 8, 2017
The New Carlisle Public Library provides a community bulletin board to display information pertinent to the New Carlisle community. The Board of Trustees of the New Carlisle Public Library adopts the following policy for bulletin board displays:
Library Catalog
Search the Library Catalog for books, music, movies, and more!
Overdrive eBooks and Digital Audiobooks
Search the Overdrive catalog for digital content, eBooks and audiobooks.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
The New Carlisle Public Library website is provided for information purposes only.
The New Carlisle Public Library collects no personal information from website visitors. The library uses cookies to collect traffic data for analysis, and uses Google Analytics to track general use, but does not track or permanently record information about individuals and their visits.
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Homebound Delivery Service
Homebound Delivery Service
Resources for Parents
Resources for Parents
MOPS: Mothers of Preschoolers ($ to join)
MOPS is Mothers of Preschoolers and our doors are open to all moms from pregnancy to Kindergarten age. It's a place for friendship, authentic community, support, and growth - because having each other to lean on in this season is life-giving!
What to Expect: childcare, brunch & coffee, relevant speakers, theme curriculum, discussion groups, crafts, service projects, friendship
High Street United Methodist Church