Research Databases

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
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Oxford Research Encylopedia
Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Full text academic encyclopedia articles from subject-based encyclopedias covering climate science, communications, criminology,  economics and finance, education, environmental science, global public health, history, international studies, linguistics, literature, planetary science, politics, psychology, social work, and more.

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World Book Kids.  Learn about people, places, animals, sports, and more.  Hear text read aloud.
World Book Kids

World Book Kids brings the world to your house!  Learn about people, places, animals, sports, and more.  Includes videos, images, maps, games.  Hear text read aloud.

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World Book Online
World Book Online

World Book has been the trusted encyclopedia of school and public libraries for decades. World Book Online contains thousands of informational articles with stunning illustrations, videos, interactive maps, research help, and activities. 

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World Book Spanish
World Book Spanish

La Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos está organizada de modo que los estudiantes puedan encontrar información rápida y fácilmente. World Book's Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos is the optimal beginner's Spanish-language reference tool. 

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